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About Be BiteSmart

Family dog bites are preventable.pdf



Be BiteSmart is a novel educational initiative of the Center for Canine Behavior Studies, Inc. (CCBS), a 501c3 non-profit. Be BiteSmart is a registered DBA of CCBS.


CCBS was originally organized in 2015 under The Simon Foundation, one of Connecticut’s largest animal rescue-shelters built and managed by Mark and Linda Greenberg who initially funded and supported CCBS. In July 2018, CCBS incorporated in Connecticut as an independent 501c3 research and educational non-profit but maintains a close relationship with The Simon Foundation that is Be BiteSmart’s initial beta rescue partner. 


CCBS’ co-founders are Nicholas H. Dodman, CEO & president, and Chris P. Janelli, Chairman. Since 2018, under the research leadership of Dr. Dodman and his team of associates, CCBS has pursued and published numerous peer review study papers on the human-canine bond, canine socialization and training, human-canine behavior interactions, canine behavior modification, and determining which trainers or behavior consultants are best qualified for various canine behaviors. Most importantly, CCBS has and will continue to research canine aggression; particularly when it involves a family dog. From the beginning, CCBS’ prime mission has been to keep dogs united with their family for life; and that requires owners to better understand their dog.


The Be BiteSmart initiative is the culmination of Dr. Dodman’s near half century of work as one of the world’s leading veterinary animal behaviorists, both at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and CCBS. Dog bites are a very serious issue for both humans and canines, particularly when a family dog is “triggered” to react with a bite. Unfortunately, dog bites can cause serious traumatic life altering disfiguring and psychological results—even fatalities—of adolescents. Infants, toddlers and preschoolers are particularly vulnerable, which is why Be BiteSmart education starts with our youngest adolescents with the guidance and participation of a parent.

For more than two decades, pediatric dog bite medical papers have universally called for better and more education of children, parents and caregivers to reduce the risk of, and potentially prevent dog bites. Dr. Dodman and the assembled Be BiteSmart team offers the solution for the medical community’s long-standing unanswered call.


Be BiteSmart educational content will be age appropriately developed in collaboration with leading children’s educational multimedia production experts, supported by Tufts child development experts, plus a team of business, marketing and other professionals. Most importantly, all of the Be BiteSmart educational content will be FREE to anyone anywhere in the world that has Internet access to the Be BiteSmart website.


We hope to distribute awareness for this FREE education through strategic and collaborative organizations, such as SAFE KIDS Worldwide and USA that has chapters in every US state, as well as through veterinarians, pediatricians, pet industry companies, influencer marketers, and corporate sponsors. 


If you or your company can support the Be BiteSmart mission and help spread awareness to the FREE Be BiteSmart program, we would love to hear from you. Contact:


CCBS, Inc. is a public non-profit 501(c)(3), Tax ID # 83-0908914
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